April 29, 2018
The Αnnual Regular General Board of the Association of Thessalian Industries & Enterprises (STHEV) took place on Sunday, April 29, 2018, at the Larissa Imperial Hotel in Achilleas Hall, in Larissa..
Following the Regular meeting, at 20.00p.m., the Open Meeting was held, including the speeches of Mr. Loi Labrianidis, Representing the Government’s Strategic and Private Investments department, Mr. Konstantinos Tsiaras, Representative of the President of New Democracy and General Secretary NB, MP, “Mr. Nikos Androulakis, MEP ‘Socialists and Democrats, and Mr. Davelis Achilleas, STHEV’s President.
The Central Party President, Mr. Vassilis Leventis, the Regional Governor of Thessaly, Mr. Kostas Agorastos, the Representative of the President of the “Democratic Coalition” MP, Mr. Kostas Bargiotas and the Chief Economist of SEV Mr. Michalis Masourakis addressed the meeting.
At the end of the meeting, Ph. Dimitris Bourantas, Professor of Economics at the Economic University of Athens, was awarded for his contribution to both entrepreneurship and the Society as well as to export companies of the members of the STHEV.
The companies awarded were: LARIPLAST S.A., BRETAS Ltd., COSMOS ALUMINIUM S.A., Greek Juices SA.
The Annual Meeting of STHEV is of great importance for the Region of Thessaly.
The event was attended by representatives of the State, the business world of Thessaly and all the social partners.

Major Sponsors of the event were the ALFA WOOD SA, INTERAMERICAN, INTERCOM FOODS SA Papadopoulos BMW SA and the Cooperative Bank of Thessaly, with the kind support of METEORO WINES – TSINAS VASILIS & Co.